Lunski's Clutter

This is a place to put my clutters, no matter you like it or not, welcome here.



Active voice is simplified and feels aggressive, that is exactly what we need.

Clear sentences express our unambiguous and firm position.

Active voice vs. passive voice

  • Active Voice Sentence = actor + verb + target

    The cat sat on the mat.

  • Passive Voice Sentence = target + verb + actor

    The mat was sat on by the cat.
    Passive voice sentences omit an actor.
    The mat was sat on.

  • Recognize passive verbs.

    Passive verb = form of be + past participle verb

    was interpreted as…
    is generated by…

Clear sentences

  • Choose strong verbs.
  • Reduce there is/there are.
  • Minimize certain adjectives and adverbs.

Replace the flag to activate the application and boost its speed by 225-250%.

This series of articles is extracted from Google Technical Writing Courses.

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