Lunski's Clutter

This is a place to put my clutters, no matter you like it or not, welcome here.


Kazuo Inamori

A Japanese philanthropist, entrepreneur and the founder of Kyocera and KDDI. He was the chairman of Japan Airlines. - Wikipedia

Talk about success

Success = Learning * Diligent * Persevering


  • Assess yourself and future potential.
  • Done things in your own way.
  • Pessimistic plan, optimistic thinking.
  • Embrace a dream.
  • Insight: Seeing the essence of things.


  • Improve shortcomings, always challenge your own limits.
  • Do something meaningful.
  • Practice to become intuitive.
  • Focus on big things, don’t stick to small details.


  • Perseverance: choose good and stubborn
    to seek perfection.

Talk about business

  1. Let go of self-esteem: Do it by yourself, spread energy.
  2. Make good friends: Choose friends who can help you.
  3. Prudent financial management: Save money and only buy what is necessary, make money and invest and make money all the time, long-term financial psychology supports innovation ability.
  4. Risk Tolerance: Every decision tolerates the mistakes of subordinates and emphasizes discipline and rewards.
  5. Amoeba Operating: Breakdown big company to small groups, each group do OKR, improve lower-level employee engagement.

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