Lunski's Clutter

This is a place to put my clutters, no matter you like it or not, welcome here.


The Mythical Man-Month

Information management bible.

Program to Product

Needs two parts

  1. Interface System Integration(System Design).
  2. Testing, Documents, Maintenance (OPS).


Evaluate for cost, not for output.

Scheduling a software task

1/3 planning (top-down)
1/6 coding
1/4 component/ early system testing
1/4 Integration testing (TDD)

Build a team

  • Pick the right and important person.
  • Focus on communication, so people can’t be too many.

10 man programming team

  1. Surgeon: chief programmer
  2. Copilot: alter ego of surgeon
  3. Programming clerk: Maintain all technical records
  4. Toolsmith: constructing, maintaining, upgrading tools.
  5. Tester: test any suitable test cases
  6. Language lawyer: know how to use language do tricky things
  7. Administrator: handle money, people, space, machines
  8. 1 Secretary: handle project corresponding, non- product files
  9. Editor: generating documents
  10. 1 Secretary: same as 6.1


  1. Software engineer: front-end, backend, full stack
  2. Site Reliability engineer: infrastructure administration deployment, deploy system (more on-call)
  3. Solutions engineer: cloud
  4. Tools and infrastructure engineer: tools
  5. Machine learning engineer
  6. UX engineer
  7. Engineering manager: at least I5
  8. Product manager
  9. Technical project manager
  10. UX writer
  11. UX researcher

Creative effort involved

  • Architecture
  • Implementation
  • Realization

Large programming project

  • Must have well programming organisation.
  • The subjectivity of the system is greater than the creativity of the individual.


  1. A mission
  2. A producer
  3. A technical director or architect
  4. A schedule
  5. A division of labor
  6. An Interface definition amount the parts


  • Second system usually over design.
  • UX is important than UI.
  • Document is important.
  • Make the system design easy to change.
  • Use modern tech.
  • Millstone must be binary (Finished/Delay).

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