Lunski's Clutter

This is a place to put my clutters, no matter you like it or not, welcome here.


Dulce de leche Pudding

Hi Brazil!

I tried Dulce de Leche, and I want to design a pudding with that flavor, thanks for my Brazilian chef Alex.


Dulce de Leche


  1. Burn half a cup of sugar turns into a syrup.
  2. Leave half of it. [A]
  3. Put a spoonful of butter.
  4. Put 200 ml of liquid milk until it thickens.

Pudding [B]


  1. Add 200 ml water to Dulce de Leche
  2. Add 2 spoons of powdered milk(cocoa powder)
  3. Add a spoon of vanilla extract
  4. Add a sheet of hydrated gelatine
  5. Add dulce de leche
  6. Put all in blender



  1. Add [A], frozen it
  2. Add [B]
  3. Put in refrigerator

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